I co-organized the MIT Kavli Institute for Astrophysics and Space Research contribution to MIT's Independent Activities Period (IAP) in 2014. I also gave a public talk during IAP in 2013.
I gave two hour-long science talks at the public level as the science speaker at the August 22, 2008, August 7, 2009, August 13, 2010, and July 22, 2011 Lick Observatory Summer Visitors Program. A video of the first thirty minutes of the August 22, 2008 talk can be found here.
I also gave a "news briefing" about my research to the students of the UCSC Science Communication Program so that they could practice covering the story in the style of a national publication, such as the short news articles at the front of National Geographic or Discover.
I organized the Kavli Institute for Particle Astrophysics and Cosmology (KIPAC) contribution to the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center (SLAC) Kids Day in 2005 and 2006.
In 2005, we used KIPAC's 3D visualization facility and the freely available software Partiview to take 12-16 year olds on a tour of the Milky Way and the local universe. We learned about how astronomers originally determined our place in the galaxy using the distribution of globular clusters on the sky and we were able to better understand the filamentary nature of large scale structure by viewing the 3D space distribution of quasars.
In 2006, we used the visualization facility in a similar way. Additionally, I used a pseudo inquiry-based activity of my own design to help the participants better understand the scientific method in an attempt to determine the composition of comet in the same way that NASA did.
I helped with physics demonstrations as part of the SLAC contribution to Stanford Community Day in April 2005.